Stutter Therapy Hamilton

A Stutter is Part of Me

Usually a person who seeks therapy for a stutter is wanting to make it go away. There is an element where a Speech Therapist will want that too, and we can work together to gain control of it. Sometimes it is helpful to support a person with a stutter to accept it as a unique and special part of them, rather than a burden to fight.

People usually think that anything to do with public speaking would be a nightmare for someone who has a significant stutter. You might be surprised as you take a look at the strength and resilience of Drew Lynch, a stand-up comedian with a stutter. He finished in second place in the tenth season of America’s Got Talent. Drew told the judges that he felt a responsibility to show others that one can make negative things into positive things. I applaud him for being a confident communicator and hope you see that it is ok to stutter.

Drew Lynch on Conan

If you live in or near Hamilton and would like to make change in your talking and thinking about stuttering, please give me a call or e-mail.