Selective Mutism

Selective Mutism Help and Encouragement

You may have had a recent diagnosis of Selective Mutism for your child or a child in your classroom and be researching how to help someone with Selective Mutism. I want to first acknowledge that it can be agonising as a parent or teacher to see a child distressed and want to help but not know who to turn to or what strategies will be best? You are already a star looking into this and seeking support. Good on you!

There are some fantastic resources to help with Selective Mutism, and yes you, YOU, can be a catalyst for change.

I have worked with a few children with Selective Mutism. Usually that is the case for Speech-Language Therapists as it is a rare anxiety disorder. I have typically been involved when there are additional speech and language needs for which the child needs therapy  (e.g. speech disorder, language delay, autism, English as an additional language), but I have been privileged to help the families and educators change their communication expectations and style and then seen children’s confidence in social situations move forward.

My best tip is to bookmark and look through everything you can on the Selective Mutism Information and Research Association website (SMIRA). SMIRA have pretty much everything you will need to gain information for yourself, family, educators, and plan what to do.

There are differences with the NZ health and education systems, but largely the process and professionals are the same. If you’re on Facebook, like the SMIRA page as new questions and support answers are regularly posted that may give you inspiration and courage. For other support information and guidance read this article I wrote.

If you are just starting to look at what Selective Mutism is, take a look at this short video clip.

If you live in the Hamilton area and need speech and language assessment, I am happy to help. Sometimes that requires an analysis of a child’s talking while being recorded at home. If you need help to plan a program at an education facility I am also happy to help. Feel free to give me a call or e-mail and we can talk about next steps on the journey you find yourself on.